Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Name : Zaenal Abidin
NPM   : 16609192
Class  : 4SA02

The Elements of Culture

Social Organization
·         Creates social structure by organizing its members into small units to meet basic needs.
·         Family Patterns: family is the most important unit of social organization. Through the family children learn how they are expected to act and what to believe.
·         Nuclear family: wife, husband, children.  This is a typical family in an industrial society (US). 
·         Extended family: Several generations living in one household, working and living together: grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins.  Respect for elders is strong.
·         Social classes: rank people in order of status, depending on what is important to the culture (money, job, education, ancestry, etc.)
Customs And Traditions

·         Rules of Behavior are enforced ideas of right and wrong. They can be customs, traditions, rules, or written laws.


·         Answers basic questions about the meaning of life.
·         Supports values that groups of people feel are important.
·         Religion is often a source of conflict between cultures.
·         Monotheism is a belief in one god.
·         Polytheism is a belief in many gods.
·         Atheism is a belief in no gods.

·         Language is the cornerstone of culture.
·         All cultures have a spoken language (even if there are no developed forms of writing).
·         People who speak the same language often share the same culture.
·         Many societies include a large number of people who speak different languages.
·         Each language can have several different dialects.

Arts And Literature
·         They are the products of the human imagination.
·         They help us pass on the culture’s basic beliefs.
·         Examples: art, music, literature, and folk tales
Forms of Government
·         People form governments to provide for their common needs, keep order within society, and protect their society from outside threats.
·         Definition of government: 1. Person/people who hold power in a society; 2  Society’s
laws and political institutions.
·         Democracy:  people have supreme power, government acts by and with consent.
·         Republic:  people choose leaders who represent them.
·         Dictatorship: ruler/group holds power by force usually relying on military support for power.
Economic System
·         How people use limited resources to satisfy their wants and needs.
·         Answers the basic questions:  what to produce, how to produce it, and for whom.
·         Traditional Economy:  people produce most of what they need to survive (hunting, gathering, farming, herding cattle, make own clothes/tools).
·         Market Economy:  buying and selling goods and services
·         Command Economy:  Government controls what/how goods are produced and what they cost.   Individuals have little economic power
·         Mixed Economy:  Individuals make some economic decisions and the government makes others.

The Difference Between Culture and Civilization
            Civilization denotes utilitarian things used as apparatus. To understand the term ‘culture’ clearly it would be desirable to distinguish it from civilization. Writers have many different concepts of civilization. Civilization is considered to have begun at the time of writing and the advent of metals. As history begins with writing, so does civilization. Ogburn and Nimkoff conceived of civilization as the latter phase of the super organic culture.
Some based civilization on civil organization as contrasted to clan or kinship organization. Since civil organization was found more commonly in large towns, so people living in these towns were called civilized. A.A. Golden Weiser used the word ‘civilization’ as synonymous to ‘culture’ and applied the term to non-literate people. Others reserve the word ‘civilization’ for some selected part of a culture. Brooks Adam thinks his concept limp lies order maintained over an area by government power.
To Arnold Toynbee, a civilization is essentially a religious and ethical system holding away over an area of the larger than a state or nation. Such a system is unified by customs, institutions and ideologies. Some sociologists divide culture into two parts, the material and non- material. By material is meant one can create objects. Like dwellings pens, radio, articles of clothing, utensils, tools, books and paintings, by non material is meant the abstract creations of man such as language, literature, science, art, law and religion.
The sociologists Jhon Lewis Gillin and Johan Phillip Gillin explited the term ‘culture’ to designate the ideas and techniques behind the concrete objects and cultural equipment to describe the objects themselves. According to them civilization is a more complex and evolved form of culture.
Mac Iver uses the word ‘civilization’ to denote utilitarian things the whole mechanism and social organism techniques and material instruments which have been devised by man in his endeavour to control the conditions of his life. These things operate as means to ends.
They are wanted because by using them as means we can secure certain satisfactions. Civilization in this sense would include the radio, the ballot box, the telephone, rail-roads, the schools, the bank and the tractor, etc.
All these belong to the realm of civilization. A.W. Green Golds remarks that “A culture becomes civilization only when it possesses written language, science, philosophy, a specialized division of labour and a complex technology and political system”.

The Definition of Culture According to Experts

1. Edward B. Taylor
Culture is a complex whole, that it contains the knowledge, belief, art, morals, laws, mores, and other capabilities acquired by man as a member of society.

2. M. Jacobs and B.J. Stern
Culture covers all forms of technology including social, ideological, religious, and arts and objects, all of which are social heritage.

3. Koentjaraningrat
Culture is a whole system of ideas, actions, and the work of human beings in order to become a society that human beings belong to learn.

4. Dr. K. Kupper
Culture is a system of ideas that guide and driver for the human in attitude and behavior, both individually and in groups.

5. William H. Haviland
Culture is a set of rules and norms that are shared by members of the public, which if carried out by its members will bear behavior deemed feasible and can be received by all communities.

6. Ki Hajar Dewantara
Culture means the fruit of the human mind is the result of the struggle of man against two strong influences, the nature of the times and is a testament to the triumph of human life to overcome the obstacles and hardships in life and livelihood in order to achieve salvation and happiness at the birth is orderly and peaceful.

7. Francis Merill
Behavioral patterns are generated by social interaction
All behavior and all products produced by someone as a member of a community that is found through symbolic interaction.

8. Bounded
Culture is something that is formed by the development and transmission of human beliefs through certain symbols, such as language symbols as a series of symbols that are used to divert the cultural beliefs among the members of a society. The messages about the culture, which is expected to be found in the media, government, religious institutions, educational systems and such.

9. Mitchell (Dictionary of Soriblogy)
Culture is the most overall looping action or human activity and human-generated products that have been popular in the community socially and not just in the genetikal switch.

10. Robert H. Lowie
Culture is everything in getting individuals from the community, including beliefs, customs, norms artistic, eating habits, skills obtained not from his own creativity but rather a legacy of the past which can be through formal or informal education.

11. Archaeologists R. Seokmono
Culture is all the result of human effort, either an object or just a piece of mind and the life.

The Meaning of Culture
Culture is all these things and much more. In fact, most everything we do is influenced by culture, the way we give and receive information, use time and space, or view authority:
-          Culture is a framework of behavioral patterns, values, assumptions and experiences shared by a social group,
-          Culture is a mostly automatically or unconsciously applied orientation system of collective values, which makes its group members’ behavior comprehensible and to a certain degree predictable for each other,
-          Culture is communication, it impacts how we send and interpret messages,
-          Culture shapes human conduct within a cultural group,
-          Culture is something we learn,
-          Culture is like mental software and has accordingly been defined as “the collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from others” (Geert Hofstede),
-          Culture acts as a kind of filter or lens through which we view others, affecting the way we see them and creating multiple perspectives,
-          Culture is often compared to an iceberg. Like the tip of an iceberg, visible aspects of culture such as behavior, eating habits, or clothing are easy to see. Under the surface, however, hides a huge and potentially fatal portion made up of beliefs, values, customs, experiences and assumptions. Knowledge of the deeper parts of the iceberg helps us understand the “why” behind the behavior. It enables us to make more informed evaluations of global counterparts and avoid misunderstandings that can waste time and damage relationships.
Awareness of our own cultural conditioning and knowledge about other cultural systems build the foundation of crosscultural training while paving the path towards crosscultural competence.

The Meaning of Interaction
Most companies see social interaction as some kind of marketing, and design their presence around campaigns and events. Social media return of investment is then the art of measuring the output of these campaigns against whatever costs a company had to put into it. It all sounds very well, but that is not actually what social interaction is about. Social interaction is a way of life that establishes a healthier connection between your customers and yourself. Like exercising.

Example of Cultural Interaction
1. Cooperation
Cooperation is a form of social interaction in which those people or groups working together for a common goal Bantumembantu. For example, gotongroyong clean up the school grounds.
2. Competition
Competition is a form of social interaction in which those people or groups vying for the same purpose.
3. Conflicts
The contradiction is a form of social interaction in the form of direct and conscious struggle between people with people or groups with a group to achieve a common goal.
4. Agreement
Compatibility is the process of adjustment in which the people or groups who are opposed agreed to settle the dispute or agree to prevent a protracted conflict by peaceful interaction is both temporary and eternal.
Besides property also has a broader meaning, namely, adjustment among people with one other person, the person with the group, between one group to another group.
5. Blend
The combination is a social process in its early stages continuation, which is characterized by efforts to reduce the differences that occur between individuals or groups. And also the efforts to enhance the unity of action, attitude, and mental processes by taking into account the interests and goals together.


Minggu, 10 Juni 2012

Tugas softskill


1.1 Background of the problem
Pangandaran is a small town and a subdistricy  in southern Ciamis regency, West Java, Indonesia. It is located on the southern coast of Java. Pangandaran is a popular tourist destination, having a beach which is considered to be one of the finest in Java and which offers excellent surfing.
A kite-flying festival is held on the beach in July each year. Locals regularly use kites in the evenings to catch bats, which are either eaten or used in Chinese remedies. There is a local belief that wearing any green garment in this area will anger Loro Kidul, the Javanese guardian spirit or goddess of the southern sea, and will bring misfortune.
The Penanjung Pangandaran nature reserve is nearby on a peninsula connected to the mainland by a narrow neck of land. The isthmus wide is around 200 meters and we can see sunrise at East Beach and also sunset at West Beach when the sun is above southern hemisphere. About eighty percent of the nature reserve is secondary rainforest. The flora of the nature reserve includes the Rafflesia.An undersea earthquake measured at 7.7 on the Richter scale triggered a black wall of tsunami water enfulging people, causing destruction as far inland up to a half kilometre on 17 July 2006.
 Extensive damage was caused and hundreds were killed including a small number of foreign tourists.Pangandaran is a large fishing village situated on a narrow isthmus of land with Pangandaran National Park occupying the entire headland.On either side to the east and to the west of Pangandaran village and the National Park isthmus are two beaches of volcanic black sand.
These east and west facing beaches provide Pangandaran with the unusual reputation as being one of the few beach resorts in the world where one can watch a sunrise in the morning and a sunset in the evening.Pangandaran Beach has become increasingly popular with surfers as there are several beaches and surf breaks within easy travelling distance. There are also surfboard hire facilities and surf schools available at the beach.Pangandaran is also popular with Indonesian domestic tourists, particularly during the holidays of Ramadan, New Year and long holiday.

What is the kind of tourism in pangandaran?

The writer introduces about the kind of tourisms in “Pangandaran” which has a variety spot to take vacation in for all the people. Pangandaran is one of the wonderful tourism in Indonesia.

2.1 history of the study
Pangandaran is a large fishing village situated on a narrow isthmus of land with Pangandaran National Park occupying the entire headland.
On either side to the east and to the west of Pangandaran village and the National Park isthmus are two beaches of volcanic black sand. These east and west facing beaches provide Pangandaran with the unusual reputation as being one of the few beach resorts in the world where one can watch a sunrise in the morning and a sunset in the evening.
Pangandaran Beach has become increasingly popular with surfers as there are several beaches and surf breaks within easy travelling distance. There are also surfboard hire facilities and surf schools available at the beach.
Pangandaran is also popular with Indonesian domestic tourists, particularly during the holidays of Ramadan, New Year and long holiday.



These east and west facing beaches provide Pangandaran with the unusual reputation as being one of the few beach resorts in the world where one can watch a sunrise in the morning and a sunset in the evening.Pangandaran Beach has become increasingly popular with surfers as there are several beaches and surf breaks within easy travelling distance.


Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012


Di era modernisasi seperti sekarang ini banyak sekali terdapat unsur-unsur budaya luar yang di masukan ke dalam budaya kita. Sebagian besar dari unsur tersebut memiliki hal negatif seperti: seks bebas, mabuk-mabukan, dan pergi ke diskotik. Dari hal tersebut saya membuat penelitian, apa saja kah kegiatan tambahan yang di lakukan oleh mahasiswa agar tidak masuk ke dalam hal-hal negatif tersebut, berikut di antaranya.

1.      MUSIK
Semua orang menyukai musik, baik alat musiknya maupun sebuah lagu, dari kecil kita sudah terbiasa di ajarkan untuk dekat dengan hal-hal mengenai musik seperti bernyanyi ataupun bermain alat musik, inilah yang di pilih oleh sebagian besar mahasiswa untuk mengisi sebagian waktunya. Ada beberapa dari mereka yang mengikuti les musik seperti les  gitar, les vocal, les piano, dan lain-lain, mereka mengambil les tersebut selain untuk mengisi waktu luang juga untuk menyalurkan hobi atau bakat yang mereka miliki. Di kalangan mahasiswa biasanya mereka membentuk sebuah band untuk mempererat jalinan pertemanan dan sekaligus untuk mengasah bakat yang mereka miliki, dari sekian banyak responden mengatakan dengan bermain musik, perasaan mereka merasa terpuaskan dan tidak ingin lagi melakukan hal-hal negatif.

2.      FUTSAL
Olahraga  ini adalah olahraga yang paling banyak di minati oleh para mahasiswa, selain dapat membuat tubuh menjadi sehat olahrga ini pun di lakukan di dalam ruangan sehingga mereka bisa leluasa bermain tanpa memikirkan cuaca panas ataupun hujan. Biasanya para mahasiswa rutin melakukan olahraga futsal minimal dua kali dalam seminggu. Dalam kalangan mahasisw mereka tidak perlu repot mencari lawan untuk bertanding, mereka hanya tinggal mengajak kelas lain atau fakultas lain untuk bermain futsal dan terjadilah permainan. Selain sehat, olahraga ini juga bermanfaat untuk kita bersosialisasi dan memperluas jaringan.

Kegiatan pencinta alam ini banyak diminati oleh para mahasiswa, selain itu pihak kampus juga memfasilitasi para mahasiswa pencinta alam atau yang biasa di sebut dengan MAPALA, pihak kampus memberikan fasilitas kepada mereka berupa wall climbing beserta tali khusus untuk keselamatan, dan alat pengaman lainnya, sebuah gedung kesekretariatan yang di dirikan di kampus lengkap dengan ruangan untuk mereka berkumpul melakukan rapat ataupun hal-hal yang menyangkut dengan kegiatan. Biasanya mereka melakukan perjalanan ke daerah yang memiliki medan yang sulit, seperti mendaki gunung, menyelam, rafting, penggalangan dana  untuk korban bencana dan menjadi relawan jika ada bencana alam yang terjadi di Indonesia. Kegiatan yang bisa di bilang cukup menantang adrenalin ini membuat hasrat mereka tersalurankan dan hal-hal kemanusiaan yang di adakan membuat mereka lebih menghargai hidup.

Kegiatan yang kedengarannya sangat sederhana ini ternyata mengambil peranan penting dalam kehidupan mahasiswa, karena dengan berkumpul dengan teman-teman mereka dapat bercerita, saling berbagi kebahagiaan ataupun kesedihan sehingga mereka tidak merasa sendirian.  Berkumpul dengan teman mereka membuat mereka merasa ada orang yang menyayangi mereka sehingga mereka tidak merasa kesepian dan tidak terjerumus ke dalam hal-hal negatif, selain itu seorang teman juga biasanya memiliki ikatan batin yang lebih kuat kepada kita, jika kita mengalami hal yang menyedihkan mereka pasti datang untuk menghibur dan mengisi kekosongan kita.

5.      FITNESS
Sebagian mahasiswa memilih untuk melakukan fitness di gym, mereka mengatakan mereka merasa lebih percaya diri apabila memiliki tubuh yang bugar dan terlihat atletis. Sebagian besar responden lelaki mengatakan mereka melakukan olahraga fitness di gym selain untuk mendapatkan tubuh yang sehat juga untuk memikat perhatian dari lawan jenisnya. Mereka berkata fisik yang sehat adalah segalanya, mereka tidak akan dengan mudah melakukan hal-hal negatif yang dapat merusak segala pengorbanan dan latihan keras mereka dengan hal yang sifatnya merusak tubuh seperti merokok, minuman keras, ataupun narkoba.

Nama : Zaenal Abidin
Kelas : 3SA02
NPM : 16609192

Senin, 16 April 2012

Drug abused

Drug abuse is a disorder characterized by destructive patterns of substance use leading to significant problems or difficulties.
Drug addiction is a disease characterized by destructive patterns of drug that causes significant problems involving tolerance or withdrawal of the substance, as well as other problems can lead to substance use for the sufferer.
Drug abuse and addiction unfortunately very common, affecting 7% and more than 2% of people at some point in their lives, respectively.
Dual diagnosis refers to the presence of both drug abuse and dependence problems in addition to serious mental health problems in individuals.
Almost all substances that can lead to feelings of swallowing ("high") are delighted to be abused.
Inhalants such as household cleaners are some of the most commonly abused substances.
While certain physical and psychological impact of drug abuse and addiction tends to vary based on the specific substance involved, the general effects of drug abuse or addiction can be devastating.
Although drug abuse and addiction does not have a single cause, there are a number of biological risk factors, psychological, social and can increase the likelihood of someone developing chemical abuse or chemical dependency disorders.
Symptoms of drug abuse including repeated drug use resulting in legal problems, occurred in a dangerous situation, interfere with important duties, or result in social or relationship problems.